Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Testimonal-- recovered from lung cancer after wearing Nefful Products



黃小姐簡單的相信,買了一個負離子衣物全套,永久有負離子的衣服,穿了 3 年,配合醫生的手術、檢查,目前一次化療都沒有做。

2015 年黃小姐在香港某公立醫院被斷定肺癌末期,醫生估算剩 3 個月的生命。當時黃阿小姐的身體狀態不能承受手術,醫生建議做 8 次化療。黃小姐非常地絕望,她跟佛堂的許講師傾訴自己的狀況,很感恩許講師是負離子衣物的愛用者,她知道負離子能幫到黃小姐,於是在許講師的介紹下,黄小姐一次性投資一個全套自用。

2015 年 8 月開始使用,黃小姐用被子當床單,蓋被子,每 4 小時就全身換洗一次,堅持長時間全身武裝負離子產品,在 3 個月後,聽到好消息了,醫院幫黃小姐做手術了,而且期間一次化療都沒有做,手術後的黃小姐,身體狀態一直良好,至今 2 年多了。


 [User Experience: Lung Cancer]
Mdm Huang, Hongkong

In 2015, Mdm Huang was diagnosed with the last stage of lung cancer at a public hospital in Hong
Kong. The doctor proclaimed that she only had 3 months more to live. At that point in time, Mdm
Huang’s condition did not permit her to operate, so the doctor suggested for her to do 8 sessions of

Mdm Huang was very depressed and went to seek advice from Ms Xu from the temple she goes to. Thankfully, Ms Xu, who uses Negative Ion clothing, knew that these products can help Mdm Huang’s condition. So with her advice, Mdm Huang decided to purchase a full set of Negative Ion clothes.

Mdm Huang began using her Negative Ion clothes in August 2015. Using the Negative Ion blanket as her bed cover, she wore large quantities of Negative Ion clothes all day, changing them every 4 hours to wash. After 3 months, she received good news from the hospital that her health was fit to undergo surgery. After the surgery, Mdm Huang’s condition improved! 2 years since then, she did not need any chemotherapy thereafter.

Now Mdm Huang truly enjoys happiness in her life and wishes to share with her friends, giving back to others, enabling others to be just as fortunate as her to have a second chance in life.