Monday, September 23, 2019

Nefful Neoron Anions Secret - Magnetic Healing - amazing Negative ions

Video in English

4 Special Qualities of Negative Ion Clothing
Purifying blood
Stimulating cell regenerating
Strengthen your immune system
To balance your autonomic nerves
Nefful Neoron Clothes Story - Negative Ions vitamins of the air

Nefful Neoron Negative Ions - Health Is Wealth (Energy Medicine)

Jess After Wearing Negative Ion Clothing

Welcome to Negative Ion Clothing

Health Is Wealth USA - English

Negative ions Positive ions
Blood vessels Dilute blood vessels Constrict blood vessels
Blood Pressure Stabilize blood pressure Increase blood presure
Blood Increase blood alkalinity Decrease blood alkalinity
Bones Strengthen bones Weaken bones
Urinary tract Promotes urination; increase nitrogen in urine Suppress  urination; decrease nitrogen in urine
Respiratory  Stabilize respiration and make breathing easier Accelerate respiration and make breathing more difficult
Pulse rate Decrease pulse rate Increase pulse rate
Heart  Enhance heart function Impair  heart function
Fatigue Speed up  physical recovery Prolong  physical recovery
Autonomic nervous system Calm and relax nerves Tense and strain the nervous system
Growth Promotes healthy growth Suppress and delay growth
Other Negative Ion Benefits
Asthma, Allergies, and other Respiratory Problems and Illnesses. Many scientific studies have been conducted over the years (mostly in Europe and Russia) showing how exposure to high levels of negative ions drastically or significantly reduce asthma and allergy symptoms, as well as respiratory-related illness.
Studies have also shown a link between negative ion treatment and benefits for the following:
Migraine Headaches: Inhaling negative ions regulates the production of serotonin inside the brain. The overproduction of serotonin inside the brain is the cause of migraine headaches.
Depression: A study at Columbia University suggested that negative ion treatment is more effective than anti-depressant drugs such as Prozac and Zolof, and there are no side effects with negative ions.
Fatigue: The overproduction of serotonin (chemical produced inside the brain) also causes fatigue, and negative ions regulate the production of serotonin inside the brain.
Sleep: A study in France found that negative ionizers helped people to sleep better, by regulating the production of the chemical serotonin in the brain.
Mental Performance and Concentration: Several tests have shown people exposed to negative ion treatment perform much better in mentally-oriented activities than those who are not.
Physical Performance: Due to test results performed by Russian scientists, negative ionizers were always installed in the locker rooms and resting places for the Russian athletes.
Burns: Studies performed in one hospital found that burn patients were far more likely to recover more quickly and thoroughly.
Negative Ions for Alternative Ideals in Health, Science, and Medicine
The article in Alternative Ideas in Health, Science, and Spirituality ( concluded that
1.    Negative ions ACCELERATE the oxidative degradation of serotonin whereas Positive ions have the opposite action and inactive the enzymes which break down serotonin.
2.    An INCREASE in the serotonin level (5-hydroxytryptamine) produces:
o    tachycardia,
o    a rise in blood pressure,
o    bronciospasam going as far as asthma attack,
o    increased intestinal peristalsis (contractions and dilations of the intestines to move the contents onwards),
o    increased sensitivity to pain,
o    increased aggression.
3.    A DECREASE in the serotonin level is calming and increasing defenses against infections (as proven with influenza 'the flu').
4.    Negative ions produce an INCREASE in hemoglobin/oxygen affinity so that the partial oxygen pressure in the blood rises but the partial carbon dioxide pressure decreases.
This results in reducing respiratory rate and enhancing the metabolism of water-soluble vitamins.
In addition, negative ions produce an INCREASE in PH and, in particular, an INCREASE in the secretory performance of the mucosa with an INCREASE in cilliary movement in the airways.
Dress For Health - Negative Ion Clothing

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How do Negative Ions Influence your Health?