Monday, September 23, 2019

Nefful Neoron - 妮芙露特美龙的秘密 - Negative Ions (Energy Medicine)

Video in chinese language

Neoron has four main features: 

 1) Superior Heat Insulation 
 2) Excellent Moisture Permeability
 3) Amazing Negative Ion Technology 
 4) Safety / Fire Retardance

Amazing Negative Ion Technology

When two fabrics rub against each other, one side generates positive static electricity while the other generates negative static electricity.

When rubbing against all fabrics or skin, Teviron can generate negative static electricity which is good for health.

NEFFUL dress for health ( Negative ion clothing )

Over 42 years, from Japan to Taiwan, US, HK, Malaysia, Singapore, and 20 other countries, Negative Ion Clothing has helped more than 1/2 million people with various Health Problems.

Babies are born with 80% negative ions and 20% free radicals (positive ions & the cause of cancer) in their bodies.

 This ratio is most beneficial to the body and they have high immunity. However, the content of negative ions in human body decreases while the content of free radicals increases, contributed by aging process and other environmental stress.
The change in the ion content in the human body leads to the formation of viscous and acidic blood. Furthermore, it also hinders nutrient absorption, waste elimination and metabolism process.

As a result, the overall body function becomes weak and this leads to all kinds of illnesses. So, negative ions is an essential component of the human body.

Having an abundance of negative ions corrects the WHOLE system in your body, so that your own system can repair the damage, reverse it and begin to self-heal.

Negative ion fabric is not diseases-specific.

So you would see a negative ion garment user recovering from a multiple of conditions, all at the same time. Positive results in 3 - 6 months.

Are you tired of seeing doctors, taking lots of medications and supplements, but with the problem persisting with no improvement?

What if we tell you, there is another way to help reduce your problems once for all? Would you be willing to give yourself a chance to try this simple method?

Now everyone can enjoy good health.

Nefful Neoron Japan Research - 妮芙露特美龙日本研究 - Negative Ions vitamins of the air

The Four Main Features of Nefful Neoron Technology(Chinese)

Negative Ion Clothing Can Help With The Following Medical Conditions

 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( A.L.S.)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD
Autoimmune Disorders like MS, Lupus, IBS, and Crohn’s Disease

 Cardiovascular Disease
Skin Rashes
Cerebral Palsy
 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Pain

 Hearing Loss
Improve Blood Circulation
 Joint Pains

Kidney Failure
 Menstruation Pain

Parkinson Disease
Prostate Problem
Sleep Apnea

Dr Noboru Horiguchi - Negative Ion Experiments

Benefit of Negative Ion 負離子– Video (Chinese)



負離子 健康兩點靈

台湾中天电视台 妮芙露负离子报导

Testimony for Rheumatoid Arthritis using Nefful Negative Ion Clothes

---TVBS 整点新闻--- 湯秀瑸在7年前患了乳癌。因为癌症加重关节炎病情,她瘫痪足足5年,直到她在去年7月因为朋友介绍负离子衣物而站起来。从沙发上站起来这么简单的动作对湯秀瑸来说,是从5年前因为严重性关节炎失去行动以来最大的奇迹。 ---TVBS News--- 7 years ago, Tang Xiu Bin was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It aggravated her Rheumatoid Arthritis, resulting in her immobility for 5 years. She was introduced to Nefful negative ion clothes in July last year and after wearing negative ion clothes, she managed to stand up! Getting up from the sofa seems like a simple movement, but to Tang Xiu Bin, regaining her mobility was the greatest miracle of all!

妮芙露见证:瘤, 高血脂和心脏衰弱 Testimony for Tumours, high Cholestrol & Weak Heart with Nefful Negative Ion Clothes

这位女士的子宫瘤是在1985年发现。从那时起吃了很多保健品但还是没办法改善。她的双手裂,穿了手套1个月后就好了。之后发现乳房也长瘤,但还好是水瘤。右脚也有长瘤,从水瘤变成肉瘤,所以割掉右脚的瘤。左脚也是有瘤。穿妮芙露负离子衣服两个半月后,脚瘤消失。她大量地穿全套使用4个月后,胆固醇降至正常范围,不用再吃药。她也看了子宫医生,子宫瘤奇迹般地小了0.3公分。一年后再做检查,子宫瘤消失.。她的心脏衰弱也改善,在张家界可以步行天山999梯级。 This lady discovered she had a uterine tumour in 1985. Since then, she ate a lot of health supplements but there was no improvement. Before that, she had cracks in her hand but after wearing Nefful gloves for 1 month, the cracks disappeared. She also had a tumour in her breast but it was benign. Her right foot also had a tumour, which she had to cut away. Her left foot also had a tumour.

After wearing Nefful negative ion clothes for 2.5 months, the tumour in her left foot disappeared. She used the Nefful full set for 4 months and after that, her cholesterol levels dropped back to the normal range and she no longer had to take any medicine. She also saw the doctor and found out that the uterine tumour had decreased in size by 0.3cm. After 1 year of using Nefful, the uterine tumour disappeared. She also had a weak heart but that improved as she was able to climb the mountain in Zhang Jia Jie which had 999 steps.

妮芙露负离子衣物见证:地中海贫血、胃溃疡和子宫问题 Testimony for Thalassemia, ulcer & uterus issues with Nefful products


 Lu Ai Fang was introduced to Negative ion clothes by her friend. Initially she was sceptical but she felt good effects after wearing for a period of time. She bought the Nefful full set. Previously, she had Thalassemia, gastric ulcer, uterus problems and depression. After wearing negative ion clothes, her conditions have been alleviated. Although she gave birth to 4 children, she credits her good body shape to wearing the beauty series of negative ion products. In addition, her friends and husband who have knee-related problems feel much better after wearing the protectors for 5 days. She is thankful that she came to know Nefful and its negative ion products.

妮芙露负离子衣物见证: 心脏和胃的问题 Testimony for Heart & Stomach issues with the use of Nefful Negative Ion Clothes

从事美容工作的高展风在美容坊做工时经过朋友介绍认识了负离子健康衣物。在这之前,在美容坊工作常常觉得身体容易疲劳。她也有心脏方面的问题。因为工作太紧张,饮食不够正常,导致胃不舒服。那这些问题在她穿了负离子健康衣物后大约3个月,就有些不同程度的好转反应。目前为止已经有一年多了。这些症状基本上是消失了。 Gao Zhan Feng works in the beauty industry and she got to know about negative ion clothes from her friend. Before this, she always felt very tired and she had heart-related problems and stomach-related problems due to work stress and not eating properly. After she wore negative ion clothes for about 3 months, she experienced different levels of improvement reactions. Till now, it has been more than 1 year and all these problems that she had have disappeared.

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